Last night my 14 month old granddaughter, Cali, showed me more about why I wrote the book, “The Science of Wisdom, The Art of Choice,” than all the other research I had done.
After dinner I was lying on the couch when our 2.25 pound Chihuahua named Sachi wanted up to escape the toddler. As soon as she was on the couch with me she assumed her favorite sleeping position on my left shoulder, curling up into a ball resembling a large New York bagel with ears.
A few minutes later here comes the toddler. She reaches across my chest and very gently placed Sachi’s favorite toy next to her and then toddled off.
At 14 months she already knows what life is all about. Recent studies reveal toddlers have the ability to consciously choose to act with altruism and can correctly recognize the intent in others actions.
Here I am, struggling to explain in the book that “Wisdom is the freedom and ability to make the kinds of choices that evolve your life and benefit the planet,” and a 14 month old toddler shows me clearly that the foundation for all Wisdom is built in. We come into this world hardwired to have the kind of life we dream about. We arrive on this planet already hardwired to nurture each other.
There is no higher wisdom than that.